Git and GitHub setup

We’ll be using Git for our version control system. Git has become a de facto version control system for many developers.

It is the heart of hosting services such as Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab and others. If you don’t already have a GitHub account, make sure to create one.

Now, replace the your name and your email in the following steps with the ones you used for your GitHub account.

git config --global "your name"
git config --global ""
git config --global core.editor "vim" # make vim as your default Git editor

Setup Editor

I personally recommend VS Code which has become popular among developers in recent years.

According to search results, Visual Studio Code is often listed as one of the best editors and IDEs. In particular, a 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey found that Visual Studio Code has a significant lead as the IDE of choice across all developers surveyed.

It offers wide range of features like:

  • Intellisense: For code-completion and syntax highlighting
  • Extension: Third-party plugins that makes VSCode more usable
  • Integrated Terminal: Provides a built-in terminal inside VSCode

Check this nice blog on Beginners guide for Ruby on Rails ready VS Code.

I would recommend installing the extensions mentioned above to have nice experience in developing Ruby on Rails application.