Website Bootcamp

Website Bootcamp

Get Trained. Get Internship.

Our Recruitment Partner

Techmandu Computer helps to grow their client growth by providing best Digital Services.


It is a fully PRACTICAL based Coding Bootcamp for building Website like a PROFESSIONAL by using just HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Features of the bootcamp:

  • Practical Based
  • Project Driven (25+ Projects)
  • Feedback Driven
  • Learn from Industry Expert
  • Doubt Clearing Classes
  • Best performer will get internship

Project Demo: Build Instagram Login Page

(in Nepali)

Guided Assignment Demo

(in Nepali)

Tech Support from Mentor

(in Nepali)

What you will gain after this bootcamp?

  • Practical knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Learn what are different Web Components
  • Know how to build Website from Start
  • Learn to build Portfolio Website
  • Learn to build School Website

Websites a student will built during this bootcamp:

# Name
1 Portfolio Website
2 Consultancy Website
3 School Website
4 Travel Website

Bootcamp Highlights

  1. Learn from Industry Expert
  2. Practical Based (25+ Projects)
  3. Feedback Driven
  4. Two Months Training

Your Instructor


The instructor for this bootcamp is Budh Ram Gurung. He is also known as Dhanu Sir. He is a an IT Tainer, an Entrepreneur and Founder & CEO of Techmandu Computer.

He has been teaching independently from 2019 and helping students in developing skills required for IT industry job.

Previously, he has worked as software developer ranging from startups to MNC and has around ~12 Years of IT experience.
He had profound knowledge on ... Read More

What are you going to learn

After completion of this bootcamp, you should have knowledge on following things:

  • Good practical knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Understanding of how Website is created.
  • Good practical knowledge of CSS Framework like Bootstrap v5.
  • How to deploy website and publish?
  • How to build your portfolio website?
  • Understanding of how to work with Developer Tools
  • Identify and troubleshoot common issues in Website Development.

Bonus Knowledge

  • Experience with Git and GitHub
  • Familiar with Project Deployment process
  • Interview related questions

Target Job Positions

After completion of this bootcamp, you should have enough technical knowledge to work in the following positions:

  • Freelance Website Developer
  • Foundation for Front End Developer
  • Foundation for Full Stack Engineer

Curriculum Summary

This coding bootcamp is structured into 7 phases. Following are the key phases in this bootcamp.

Phase Goal Session(s)
1 Preparation 1
2 HTML Basics 2
3 CSS Basics 2
4 CSS Intermediate 2
5 JavaScript Basics, DOM and BOM 3
6 jQuery and Bootstrap v5 2
7 Building Full Website 2
8 Git, GitHub and Deploying 2
1 Session = (1 - 1.5 Hrs), 2 Sessions = 1 Week, Total = 16 Sessions = 8 Weeks = 2 Months.

25+ Practical based Assignments, Mini-projects and full projects.

Detailed Curriculum

  • Introduction of Instructor and Students
  • Brief of how the bootcamp will work
  • Introduction to the communication platforms
  • Web, HTTP and REST Introduction - How the web works
  • Introduction the necessary tools required for this bootcamp
  • Software Development workflow in an IT company
Practical Includes
  • Editor Setup and Hello World
  • Browser Developer Tools
  • Install the Vim Editor

  • Understanding Basic Layout and Hello World
  • Understanding Element, Tag and Attribute
  • Using Meta Tag
  • Using Headings and Paragraph
  • Using Div and Span
  • Performing Text Formatting in HTML
  • Hyperlink in HTML
  • Using Image in HTML
  • Inline and Block elements in HTML
  • Creating list in HTML
  • Creating table in HTML
  • HTML Form and Input Elements
  • ID and Class in HTML
  • Semantic Tags
Practical Includes
  • Time Table using HTML
  • Calculator using HTML
  • Build CV using HTML

  • CSS introduction, types and comment
  • Using CSS selector
  • Introduction to browser developer tools
  • CSS colors and its types
  • CSS Font and its types
  • Using Google Fonts
  • CSS Units
  • Text formatting in CSS
  • CSS Box Model: Border, Margin and Padding
  • CSS Backgrounds
Practical Includes
  • Debug the issue in the Web Page
  • Update the existing font of page using Google Font
  • Enhance the section with Background

  • CSS display: inline, block and inline-block
  • CSS rounding corners
  • Max-width and margin auto
  • Float and Clear
  • Challenge: Create a basic image gallery
  • Links, its states and button styling
  • Styling navigation menu bar
  • Styling a login form
  • Challenge: Style a sign-up form
  • Positioning with CSS
  • CSS Z-index property
  • CSS Specificity and !important Rule
Practical Includes
  • Create a basic image gallery
  • Styling Navigation Menu Bar
  • Styling a Login Form
  • Styling a Sign Up Form
  • Creating a Sticky Social Share Buttons

  • Introduction and first JavaScript(JS) code
  • JS statements, syntax and comments
  • Variables: var, let, and const
  • Operators and Assignemnt
  • Data Types in JavaScript
  • Functions in JavaScript
  • Objects in JavaScript
  • Events in JavaScript
  • String and its methods
  • Array and its methods
  • Conditional statements in JavaScript
  • Loops in JavaScript
  • Switch in JavaScript
  • Comparision and Logical Operators
  • typeof operator and type conversion
  • JavaScript Hoisting concept and strict mode
  • Concept of 'this' keyword
  • Arrow function in JavaScript
  • Introduction to Class and Module
  • DOM Concepts
    • Introduction to DOM and document object
    • Accessing HTML elements using DOM
    • Updating HTML content with DOM
    • Updating Styling with DOM
    • Working with Event and Event listener with DOM
    • DOM Node and navigation
  • BOM Concepts
    • Introduction to BOM and window object
    • Working with different popup
    • Working with window's screen object
    • Working with window's location object
    • Working with window's history object
    • Working with setTimeout and setInterval timing functions
    • Introduction to JavaScript cookie
Practical Includes
  • Creating a Counter
  • FAQ Page
  • Ideas List
  • Tabs Viewer
  • Functional Calculator

  • jQuery Concepts
    • jQuery Introduction and getting started
    • jQuery Syntaxes
    • Selectors in jQuery
    • Working with events in jQuery
    • Important methods in jQuery
  • Bootstrap v5 Concepts
    • Bootstrap Introduction and getting started
    • Container, Grid System and Responsiveness concepts
    • Typography and colors
    • Working with images
    • Working with buttons
    • Working with Cards
    • Dropdown and Collapse component
    • Working with Carousel and Modal
    • Flexbox in Bootstrap
    • Working with Forms
    • Working with Basic Templates
Practical Includes
  • Creating a Counter using jQuery
  • FAQ Page using jQuery
  • Ideas List using jQuery
  • Tabs Viewer using jQuery
  • Functional Calculator using jQuery
  • Updating prevous assignments in Bootstrap Framework

  • Portfolio Website
  • School or College Website
  • Restaurant Website
  • Consultancy Website

  • Getting started with Git and GitHub
  • Initializing website project with Git
  • Git basic commands
  • Publish the website to GitHub
  • Getting started with Netlify
  • Deploy the website in Netlify

What's next from here

After completion of this bootcamp, you can try following options based on your interests:

  • Work as freelancer Website Developer (check with Ask Dhanu Sir)
  • Go for Front End Developer
  • Keep building website and build a portfolio and sell
Remember! Learning is a continuous process. This bootcamp is just the beginning. Good luck!

Bootcamp Key Details

Format Online Interactive
Prerequisites Computer, Internet and Enthusiasm to learn
Fees Rs 8,000 Only
Duration 2 Months, 16 Sessions, 8 Weeks, 2 Sessions per week, 1 - 1.5 Hrs per session
Batch Size Max 30 Students
Workflow Theory → Practical → Assignment → Feedback
Other Pair programming to resolve issues
Key Features Practical. Feedback Oriented. Result Oriented. Possible freelance jobs after successful completion.
Support Bootcamp Support in Private Discord Channel to solve queries and other issues.
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