Ruby on Rails Crash Course

Ruby on Rails Bootcamp


It is a fully practical based Coding Bootcamp for Ruby and Ruby on Rails where you will learn Ruby language and popular Ruby on Rails web framework which is used to build dynamic web applications.

Features of the bootcamp:

  • Practical
  • Feedback Driven
  • Project Driven
  • Enough deep concepts

Why learn Ruby on Rails

  • Popular Web framework to build modern web applications
  • Startup favorite web framework (click to read more)
  • Rails has an established Job Market (See build with stats, 3.5M+ sites)
  • Friendly framework and easy learning
  • Friendly and large Ruby/Ruby on Rails Community

Who are using Ruby on Rails

Image: (click image to more list)

Rails applications a student will built during this bootcamp:

# Name
1 Simple Voting App in Sinatra
2 CRUD in Rails
3 Blogging App in Rails
4 Chatting App in Rails

Your Instructor

The instructor for this bootcamp is Budh Ram Gurung. He is also known as Dhanu Sir. He is a Career Growth Coach, IT Coach, Life Coach, and an Entrepreneur.

He has been teaching independently from 2019 and helping students in developing skills required for IT industry job.

Previously, he has worked as software developer ranging from startups to MNC and has around ~12 Years of IT experience.
He had profound knowledge on ... Read More

What are you going to learn

After completion of this bootcamp, you should have knowledge on following things:

  • Good practical knowledge of Ruby language
  • Familiarity with Sinatra framework
  • Good practical knowledge of Ruby on Rails framework
  • Good practical knowledge of Ruby on Rails advanced features
  • Good knowledge of building Ruby on Rails project
  • Good practical knowledge of Working with SQL
  • Good practical knowledge of using Bootstrap v5 with Rails
  • Identify and troubleshoot Ruby on Rails common issues
  • Knowledge of understanding Ruby on Rails projects

Bonus Knowledge

  • Experience with Git and GitHub
  • Familiar with Project Deployment process
  • Knowledge of browser Developer Tools
  • Interview related questions
  • Industry Insights

Target Job Positions

After completion of this bootcamp, you should have enough technical knowledge to work in the following positions:

  • Junior Ruby on Rails Developer
  • Junior Back End Developer
  • Junior Full Stack Engineer
  • Freelance Ruby on Rails Developer

Detailed Curriculum

This coding bootcamp is structured into 7 phases. Following are the key phases in this bootcamp.

Phase Goal Session(s)
1 Preparation 1
2 Ruby Basics 2
3 Ruby Intermediate 3
4 Advanced Ruby & Sinatra Intro 3
5 CRUD and basic app in Rails 3
6 Ruby on Rails advanced concepts 3
7 Projects Building and Deployment 3
1 session = (1.5 - 2.5 Hrs), 3 sessions = 1 week, Total = 6 weeks = 1.5 months.

Phase 1 - Preparation

This phase helps prepare students mentally and set up the development environment as well.

It includes:

  • Introduction of Instructor and Students
  • Brief of how the bootcamp will work
  • Introduction to the communication platforms
  • Web, HTTP and REST Introduction - how the web works
  • Shell or Terminal basic commands
  • Introduction the necessary tools required for this bootcamp
  • Git/GitHub workflow and basic commands
  • Software Development workflow in an IT company

Phase 2 - Ruby Basics

This phase helps prepare students with prerequisite Ruby concepts needed for the understanding of Ruby on Rails framework.

  • Introduction to Ruby
  • REPL (irb) and basic intro
  • Data types
  • Variables and constants
  • Operators
  • Conditionals
  • Loops and iterators
  • Getting input from user
  • Methods and blocks
  • Naming conventions
  • Command line arguments
  • Array and Hash
  • Date and Time

Phase 3 - Ruby Intermediate

In this phase, students will understand the Ruby’s Object oriented nature and file and package concepts which will help structuring the Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects.

  • Class, Object and Inheritance
  • Module
  • File Handling
  • File structure in Ruby project
  • Exception Handling
  • Regular Expression
  • CLI based projects

Phase 4 - Advanced Ruby and Sinatra Intro

In this phase, students will learn a few advanced Ruby concepts.
They will also get introduced with Sinatra which is a tiny web framework in Ruby. Sinatra will help set the base for understanding concepts like Routing, Template etc.

  • Introduction to Ruby Meta Programming
  • Ruby Gem and working with it
  • Introduction to Sinatra
  • Small web application in Sinatra
  • Using ORM in Sinatra

Phase 5 - CRUD and basic app in Rails

This phase will help students understand the CRUD workflow of Ruby on Rails applications. Students will also learn other basic features.
A simple Rails project will be built here to understand above.

  • Installation and Setup of first Ruby on Rails project
  • MVC Architecture
  • Understanding basic Rails project structure
  • Build your first CRUD app
    • App skeleton
    • Route-Controller-Action-View pattern
    • Understanding and playing around with Rails Console
    • Basic Active Record Validations
  • Basics of Active Record and SQL
  • Cookies, Sessions and Controller filters
  • User Authentication

Phase 6 - Advanced Ruby on Rails concepts

Since, students are now familiar with the basic CRUD app, this phase will help students understand the "behind-the-scenes" of basic Ruby on Rails applications.

It includes the understanding of following Rails components and how they are related to each other.

  • Active Record and Active Model
  • Action View and Action Pack
  • Routing in Rails
  • Sprocket Rails and Webpacker
  • Active Support, Action Mailer, Action Cable, Action Job

Phase 7 - Projects building

In this phase, students will learn how to build a Ruby on Rails application from scratch, understand the project building workflow, comprehend and find path through the issues, understand the complexities while adding different features etc.

Student will learn building a Blogging app which includes following key details:

  • Getting basic Rails App
  • Setup User Authentication with Devise
  • Add User management feature: View, Create, Edit, Delete
  • Setting up Admin user
  • Adding Article Resource: View, Create, Edit, Delete
  • Adding Category Resource: View, Create, Edit, Delete
  • Add Comment Resource: View, Create, Edit, Delete
  • Restrict features to Admin and User level
  • Deploying the Rails application to Heroku platform

What's next from here

After completion of this bootcamp, you can try following options based on your interests:

  • Check for Junior Ruby on Rails developer positions and apply to them.
  • Keep practicing by making more Ruby on Rails projects. Try different domains as well.
  • Look for Open Source Ruby on Rails projects and try to contribute to them.
  • Work on your idea, build the application out of it and even start your own startup.
Remember! Learning is a continuous process. This bootcamp is just the beginning. Good luck!

Bootcamp Key Details

Format Online Interactive
Prerequisites Good knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS.
Fees Rs 20,000 (Rs 15,000 for the first 5 Students)
Duration 1.5 Months (Max 2 Months), 6 Weeks, 3 Sessions per week, 1.5 to 2.5 Hrs per session
Batch Size Max 20 Students
Workflow Theory → Practical → Assignment → Feedback
Other Pair programming to resolve issues
Key Features Practical. Feedback Oriented. Result Oriented. Guranteed Placement after successful completion.
Support Bootcamp Support in Private Discord Channel to solve queries and other issues.
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